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Empowering Your Voice When You Need It Most

For Anyone, Anywhere, at Anytime.

About US

Our mission is to play a key role in advancing self-directed supports in Wisconsin. We provide a framework to bring together existing good practice, to introduce new ways of working, and to support everyone involved in meeting the challenges.

Our Fundamental Beliefs

  • We believe that every human being has equal dignity and the right to be treated with equal respect, whatever their impairment, age, health and other circumstance. We are all different, but we are all entitled to be treated with respect


  • We believe that the natural diversity of human beings should be welcomed and cherished. We are all different, and our differences and our needs help make the world a place worth living in.


  • We believe that people truly flourish not as lone individuals but when they are part of our communities.


  • We believe that these communities only flourish when they welcome full membership and support the active participation of everyone, whatever their personal circumstance.


  • We all need extra help from time to time, and some of us need that help regularly and throughout our life. This might be as a result of disability, old age, ill-health or other circumstance. The fact that this need for extra support exists is both natural and an important opportunity for all of us to recognize our need for support and our mutual interdependence.


There is no need for people who need extra support to be excluded from full and active participation in community life and it is wrong that so many current systems exclude people.



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Information & Awareness

Dialogue &

& Influence

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Free Courses & Resources

Caring Across Cultures is a learning experience focused on helping people with disabilities and their direct care workers to develop stronger, more meaningful relationships. We believe that identifying the cultural differences that exist between two people is a critical step in the relationship building process. 

Self-Determination YouTube Channel!

The Self-Determination Channel is hosted by self-advocates and the content is decided by

How it Works

How We Can Help

At InControl Wisconsin, we partner with individuals and families, advocacy groups, government agencies, and many other community partners to promote Self-Determination and Self-Directed Supports.

Real Stories
on why to join the SD Network


Rosie shares stories about living with a disability. She helps healthcare organizations and communities around the world understand the lived experience of individuals living with a disability. “As the world looks at Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), I encourage them to look at Accessibility or DEIA because without accessibility there won’t be any diversity, equity, or inclusion. Without the self-determination of individuals with disabilities change will not happen,” she says. She joined the SD Network because she believes the voices of many helps to create change for all individuals living with disabilities.

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