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Community Connections

InControl Wisconsin Community, Topics

We believe that the true potential and sustainability for self-directed supports lies within the involvement and expertise of individuals, families and communities.  InControl Wisconsin prioritizes the development and strengthening of peer and family networks across the state, while creating opportunities for people to be contributing members of their communities.

Our work is focused on looking at how to connect and support people – through the creation of circles of support and community networks, as well as connecting circles and networks with each other across the state.

In this process, we are exploring these questions:

  • What can we – individuals, families and communities – do for ourselves?  How can we provide support for people who need support, while promoting community connections and opportunities for people to share their gifts and talents?
  • What can we do for ourselves, with a little help from the service system?  When do we need a little help to accomplish our goals?  What does that help look like?
  • What do we need specifically from the service system that we can’t do ourselves?  How can we develop partnerships that recognize the unique gifts of individuals, our communities and the service system?

Our work in this area is just beginning.  Check back here for updates or contact Deb Wisniewski